Let’s make Jesus known

among the people of Phoenix.

Our primary focus is seeking Christ and His Kingdom. Everything else comes out of the overflow of our intimacy with Him.

Our desire is to actively engage our city with the hope of the Gospel.

As we engage our city we will lead others to follow and obey Jesus our King.

As people follow and obey Jesus and gather together the church is birthed in that community.

Our Team

We are a new church planting team working alongside CrossLife Church in PHX. CrossLife Church is our home base and sending church.


4.9 Million people in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Average age is 37 years old.

87.4% of people in the metro area do not have a relationship with Jesus.

Phoenix ranked as the 8th least Bible-minded metro areas in the U.S.

After New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston, the city is the fifth largest city nationwide.

There are 295 SBC churches in the metro area. That equals one SBC church for every 19,247 people.

Phoenix sees more sunny days than any other major city in the world.

What we believe impacts everything we do. The Bible is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without any mixture of error, for its matter. Therefore, all Scripture is totally true and trustworthy.

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Planting is risky business. Our vision stems out of what we believe and informs what we do. Our vision is not something fresh, hip, and new. It is pretty simple actually. Go therefore and make disciples of all peoples. We didn’t come up with this, but we will give our life towards this end.

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When God calls us to follow Him, it doesn’t happen in isolation, but instead in community. The New Testament does not speak of a Christianity with out community. That community is the called out ones, the Church. When God births a new church it happens when the people of God work together to obey the command to make disciples of all nations.

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 Contact us.

  • Anthem, AZ 85086

  • multiplyphoenix@gmail.com

  • https://www.kingschurchaz.org/

Stay in the Know

We partner intentionally with the Arizona Mission Network , Send Network Arizona, and Mississippi Baptists for the purpose of kingdom collaboration.